Put it this way there is NO TIME AT ALL at HOME to do this BLOG. I'm sitting here at my desk writing this post…good thing I'm mostly caught up with everything!! :)
When the boys came home from the hospital they came home weighing 4lbs 12 oz and 4lbs 14 oz's I believe…I don't remember for sure and don't have it written down. But I do know it was above their birth weights. Their first 3 weeks of life are a blur to me they went so fast and I got so little sleep and was recovering from the c-section, too. All that I remember is that I did pump enough breast milk for almost every feeding, their circumcision were a little rough the first few days, but healed perfect, and then I stopped breast feeding because I couldn't keep up and got mastitis (breast infection) from stopping cold turkey.
By the 4th week of their lives I was able to do it on my own. Mom was able to get back to her house and not have to stay the night with me and I was able to sleep in my bed again. The days were long and I couldn't wait for Mike to get home and help with the feedings…but it was a good feeling going all day long without the help. I did all the night feeding myself too because I was still on maternity leave and Mike had to work. Once in awhile he had to get up and help which didn't make him very happy, but too bad they are his babies too. By the end of week 4 I was back to driving and surprised my mom and dad by coming over for the day.
By the 5th week I was out walking with the babies 2x's a day and enjoying the sun again, plus the walls felt like they were closing in on me if I didn't get a walk in. We would go to my mom and dad's at least 2-3x's a week so I could take a few naps during the day. It was hard doing the night feedings by myself.
By the 6th week I decided that we needed to go to my parent's everyday because the following week I was going back to work and the boys needed to get use to my parent's house. That was practice week for me too. And boy where the boys a little more fussy at night from being away from home all day. Then that Friday I went clothes shopping for work stuff…because the body is just not the same as it was before pregnancy…LOL. The boys sleeping is getting better this week and I added music to their room to help block out each other's noises they make.
Back to work…Week 7… I didn't cry the first day dropping them off but I did get tears in my eyes as I drove away from my parent's house. The good things are my mom and dad is watching them…which are the best people ever to watch my little meatballs…and the other good thing is I get to see them at lunch every day. I work in the town I grew up in and have always been able to go home for lunch. By this week the boys are dropping their midnight feeding and making it till 3:00 a.m. We lay them down between 8:30-9:30 at night and they will sleep till 3:00 a.m. then up again at 7:00-7:30 or sometimes make it till I get to my parent's at 8:00 and feeding then…they are sometimes crying all the way to there, but not screaming crying. Just the whimper I'm here cry and I’m hungry…feed me "ma"…LOL.
Week 8 flew by very fast…busy work week. The boys slept really well thru the week and were getting the schedule down. On Saturday the 28th I got some really cute 2 month old pictures of them together and separate. I will be uploading those pictures real soon. And now it's week 9…
We have somewhat a schedule every night…start baths any time 7:00 – 8:00, then lotion, night bottles, and just hold them till they fall asleep around 8:00 – 9:00. Andrew is usually the one who cannot sleep thru the night… He's up around 2:00 – 3:00 a.m. sometimes Joseph will wake up too…but he can make it the full night without feeding. They are both in their cribs and we have video monitors to be able to see them whenever we want without waking them. We play them lullabies from 2 different CD's all night long and from the 3:00 a.m. feeding till they wake I turn off their night light and let it be completely dark in their room. I cannot do this all night because Mike doesn't like not being able to see when he goes into their room…I can see in the dark…he can't. It's a mom thing, I think…LOL. They are eating 4-5 oz's each feeding sometimes 6 ozs. They hold their heads up and do pushups already…they are very strong. They can follow objects with their eyes so well; in their swing the fish mobile above them they watch already. Andrew loves the swing and it calms him down. Joseph can lie anywhere…he can take the swing or leave it…so Andrew claims the swing if he's being fussy. They both don't care for the pacifier, but IF Andrew is fussy at night he'll take it to fall asleep but not always. They are both in size 1 diapers; though Joseph can wear the NB's…they're tight. Clothes are anywhere from NB to 3-6 months, it just depends on who makes the clothes. They LOVE their baths…I can't wait till next summer and get them in a pool…I think they will be little fish just like their mommy was.
Liberty and Ringo are wondering when the boys will leave and they will get their mommy back to themselves. Ringo is hilarious when it comes to the babies…he jumps about 10 feet in the air when you lay a baby near him and then he takes off and hides.
Those are all the updates I can think of right now, plus I need to get back to work… I will try my best to always update on Sundays or Mondays…we'll see. This coming weekend (Labor Day) we are getting them baptized and they are going to be wearing my twin brother's baptismal outfits who are their Godfathers…which are really awesome!!
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