Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Level II U/S & Genders!!!

I had my 1st Level II U/S was so neat to see the babies as babies. The only thing that sucked about the U/S was my mom came with me since Mike couldn't and they wouldn't let her back with me during the U/S. So she had to wait the hour and half before she knew anything... :(

But other than that seeing my little ones moving around and punching and kicking was quite awesome!!! Both babies are measuring at 19w and I'm 18w5d so they are 2 days ahead right now. Both weighed 10 oz's. Doctor was very happy with everything and everything looked really good. Amniotic fluids / sacs were even between the two them and big. They are breech babies right now but they have plenty of room and time to flip flop down.

Genders...I'm hoping some of you caught that I changed the background color blue...meaning Twin BOYS!!!

Here are the U/S Pics from today...all head shots and alien faces...LOL But they are my cute alien face babies!!!

Twin A

Twin B

1 comment:

  1. First I want to say Congrats to you. I am very happy for you. I saw that you read my blog - you did not make me cry at all - the situation made me cry. I am happy for you but sad for me because I want to be right there with you - finding out the genders. Please know I am truly happy for you or anyone who has dealt with IF and won.
