Thursday, January 28, 2010

14 Weeks!! Out of 1st Trimester!!

I'm done with the 1st Trimester...YAY!!! I'm so excited to be over that hurdle and I know there are more to come but that was the biggest one for 1st time moms. I've been feeling good and really feel gratefuly on how well I've felt. Through the 1st trimester I only had a few symptoms...little night sickness (never threw up), headaches at night, and minor aches and pains in my sides. Other than that, thats it. Oh I still don't like meats!! Yuck!!

My puppies...Liberty & Ringo still haven't noticed or cared that mommy has 2 babies inside of her and still attempt to sleep on my belly. Its quite funny when I'm pushing them off they look at me like "Don't you love me??" Its so sad :(

I'm trying to stay fit thru the pregnancy so I've recruited my co-worker to drag me with her everyday for a 20 min walk. Its been very refreshing and I think good for me and the babies. I also finally purchased Prenatel Yoga by Shiva Rea...awesome!!! She has herself and 2 other ladies doing the moves and depending on what trimester your in thats the lady you follow. So Shiva is doing the 1st trimester, Bridetta is doing the 2nd trimester, and Poppy is doing the 3rd trimester. I would highly recommend this DVD to other women that are expecting as long as their doctor had ok them for excercising. Which yes mine said it was fine to do.

I started browsing the internet for baby stuff and crib bedding these past few weeks. But now being in the 2nd trimester I hope to get up to my local Babies R Us and look at things hands on. It should be fun... ;)

The babies are roughly 3-1/2" long and 1-1/2 ounces and they are streching out. They are able to move and kick me but I cannot feel it yet. They also will be able to start sucking their thumbs this week too!! So cool!!!

My next OB appt is next Friday, February 5th and I will do another update.

The wait is over here are my latest belly pics...


  1. Lauren, You are looking GREAT !!!!! Way to go on keeping fit !!! That will certainly help you along the way, just take it easy :)
    You are most definitely preggers !!! No hiding it now !!!!

  2. oh my gosh!!! you are so cute!!!!
