Thursday, November 5, 2009

Egg Retrieval This Morning

I did NOT sleep at all last night I was up almost every hour making sure I didn't oversleep my alarm I had to be up by 3:30 a.m. or I had to get up and go pee.

Mike didn't have any problems because he was already up from working his 3rd shift. But the funny thing was when we were waiting for them to take me back for the retrival he fell asleep in his chair and started to snore really really loud. I thought for sure the nurse was going to come in and make sure everything was ok. It was funny and here is a picture of him sleeping. LOL...
He looks so uncomfortable :(

I wore my favorite purple pj bottoms with my World Series White Sox shirt with my Tigger socks...Yes I did wear them. On the way to the dr's Mike insisted he needed food and stopped to get smelled so good and horrible all at the same time. My stomache was in knots and not feeling well from the excitement of everything.

We got to Dr. Millers office by 5:00 a.m. and there were already 2 other couples there. We were taken back around 5:15 a.m. and the nurse came in went over everthing, gave me a gown, booties to put over the Tigger socks, and a hair net. Got dressed (see pic below) and then the anesthesilogist came in and gave me my IV. Ouch but not that bad. He used the smallest needle he and my stupid small veins...LOL After that it was a waiting game. Around 6:20 a.m. it was time for me to pee on more time and head back to the retrival room.

Once in there I had to say my name to at least 5 different ladies which is fine with me to make sure everyone knew who was in that room for the procedure. Next thing I know the anesthesilogist is in there hooking my finger up to the pulse machine, putting the blood pressure cuff on, and then I was OUT.

Don't know how I got back to my room, just like the nurse said I wouldn't remember. Mike said I was quite funny... I was crying the whole way down the hallway and for a good few minutes after they sat me back in the chair. Then I was brought my animal crackers and ginger ale...they tasted soo good!! Then about 30 - 45 mins I was released to Mike's care.

Mike told me that the doctor stopped in and said they got a total of 10 eggs.

We stopped on the way home for my special Tylenol 3 at Wal-Mart...that hurt to walk in there. I just went incase they needed me there to fill the script...but I sat on those benches by the pharamacy and Mike went to get dinner for tonight and more gatorade for me to drink. Then we went to get McDonalds again but this time I got to eat some too.

We arrived home around 11:30 ate, took my drugs, and went to sleep. It hurts to walk too fast but other than that I feel good. The children are behaving for me till Mike wakes up... And I've told 2 of them thus far don't ask for anything from me... I cannot make any important decisions for 24 hours...LOL

Thats it now we wait for tomorrow afternoon I should be getting a call from my nurse to see how I'm doing and the embryologist with the Fert Report.

Here are some pictures...

Already to go back for the retrival...don't I look cute...LOL

Tyler don't look at this next picture...LOL

Here is my IV...the anesthesilogist was funny really funny...It's great when you get someone like that, that early in the morning.

All done... I look even prettier in this picture... LOL Eating my animal crackers and ginger food I got all day I think...LOL

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, what an awesome way to remember all this... I am thinking lots of good thoughts for you and the embies!!!!
    Love ya!
