Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pharmacy ....

The pharmacy has arrived at my house... As I promised I would post about my IVF drug package. I had the package delivered to my mom and dads house knowing that they would be home to sign for the package. They were completely shocked when they saw how big the package was. As some of you know you have to keep some of the meds refrigerated and mom had to make room in her garage fridge for this huge box. She didn't want to open the package. At lunch time I went to my parents house to go inspect the package. Holy crap! I opened it up and there are drugs, drugs, needles, drugs, needles, etc... You get the point. I couldnt' dig out the ones that needed to be refrigerated so with it being cold outside I left everything in the box/styofoam box stucked it the van and hoped for the best. I did go back to work for the afternoon so they were only in the car for 3-1/2 hrs. When I got home the drugs on the very bottom were still cold and those were the only ones that had the refrigerate sticker on them. I was shocked on how much was in that package and I shouldn't have been as I have read other bloggers responses to opening their own IVF packages. And have seen pictures. Below is some pictures of all the drugs and the list of them all.

  • Follistim
  • Menopur
  • HCG Trigger
  • Lupron
  • Doxcycline
  • Methylpred Tabs (16 mg)
  • Endometrin (NO PIO SHOTS---YAY!!!)
That is all the IVF drugs...the package also included needles, follistim pen, needles, antibiotics for DH, more needles, prenatels, syringes, and baby asprin.


Wide View of all the drugs...on the coffee table

Close up!!!


  1. do you need a tide bottle for the needles???

  2. Nope...I received a sharps container and I saved an empty laundry detergent container too.
