Saturday, December 26, 2009

Week 9 Pregnancy Quiz

I stole this from a fellow blogger...I hope she doesn't mind.

How far along: 9 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: 8 - 10 lbs I can't remember my pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes: 2 pj bottoms, 1 pair of jeans, and 1 pair of work pants.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Pretty good besides having to wake up and pee 3/4 times thru the night.
Best moment this week: Being able to share the news with Mike's side
Movement: Too soon to feel anything
Food cravings: Fruits and Cheese
Gender: Won't know this till March, maybe sooner???
Labor Signs: Eeek - none!!! We want none of that for at least 30 more weeks.
Belly Button in or out: In
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: Hearing my babies heartbeats at my 1st OB/Gyn appt.
Milestones: being released from the RE and looking forward to my 1st OB/Gyn appt.

Where to start?

I haven't been on for awhile and I'm mad at myself. But I've been so busy with the holidays and so tired I haven't had time either.

On Wednesday, December 16th I had my last appointment and ultrasound with my RE. Yep I've been released. The babies are getting so big the U/S pictures didn't come out as good as the last U/S because they are moving around so much...YAY!! But all my levels are right on track...HCG 106,236 and Progesterone 70.00. My due date is still July 30th, 2010. I have to stay on a few extra medicines for awhile, my baby aspirin till 14 weeks (Jan. 28) and my endometrim I'll be on that till Jan. 28 as well. But I get to reduce the amount I take on Jan 14 to just 2x's a day instead of 3x's a day. Here are the U/S Pictures...

I finally broke down this past week and bought some maternity pants... I got 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of work pants, and 2 pairs of pj bottoms. Comfort! Wow! Why didn't I do this sooner... My good friend reminded me that out at the Huntley Outlets there is a Motherhood Maternity, yay for cheap but good quality maternity clothes.

I also have made some book purchases.

Book 1: When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads by Dr. Barbara Luke and Tamara Eberlein, I've read the first 6 chapters and it has a lot of great information but some of it you have to take with a grain of salt.

Book 2: Baby Bargains by Denise & Alan Fields, this book has EVERYTHING to know what to purchase and what to stay away from. A good friend of mine read it during her pregnancy and she highly recommended me getting it with 2 coming. So far its very interesting and has some good ideas/points.

Book 3: 100,000+ The Complete book of Baby Names, Mike and I are having a hard time coming up with girl names. We only have a few girls in our families put together so its been challenging to come up with 2 girl names that we like. We do have 2 boy names we are playing with. But we need to have 2 girl names in the hat, too.

Book 4 This one was a gift: The Pregnancy Journal and Crib Notes by A. Christine Harris, PH. D., it looks like a wonderful journal to keep track of EVERYTHING that is happening plus it also has a ton of information in it for mother to be.

We went to the WI Dells the weekend before Christmas and I thought I would do some swimming but my swimsuit was a little too tight... But I still had fun taking lots of pictures of everyone else in the pools.

We then had Christmas and that also was a ton of fun. We finally shared the good news with Mike's side of the family...all of them. They were all very excited for us and couldn't believe we are having twins!! I'm still not sharing the news with work till after the New Year or on facebook so please don't mention anything there either. But this is how we told Mike's uncle.

We bought 2 White Sox tees, put the U/S pic from our 6w one because that was the better one to see, and the DVD Uncle wanted on top. We wrapped all of this in a shirt box so when he opened it the DVD was on top and there was a piece of tissue paper underneath. Well he then moved the tissue paper and saw the White Sox tees and was like these are not going to fit me...and the light bulb went off and he got it. Along with Mike's brother and sister-in-law. They were all excited and happy for us. Here is a picture of the tees and U/S pic in the box...

Mike helped with buying some baby items... He bought for me for Christmas a I love Mommy picture frame and 2 baby photo books, they are so cute. Here is a pic...

My first OB/Gyn appointment is Tuesday, January 5th...I can't wait. I want to hear my babies heartbeats, I'm going nuts. I might just have to make another purchase of a home doppler to use. I use to think people were nuts when they bought one, but NOW I totally understand why.

Here is last week's picture of my growing belly as you can see my bloat is lower from the previous picture and becoming more of a bump...yay...Can't wait!!

I hope all had a great Christmas / Holiday and has a Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We have heartbeats!!

Yes, you read that correctly we have 2 lovely, strong, and steady heartbeats...I'm so excited. I'm now 6 weeks 5 days pregnant. I was very nervous for today's appointment not knowing if we were going to see 2 or 1 heartbeats. I couldn't believe how big they had gotten in 1 week. When I read that they would be 10,000 times bigger then the day of conception I couldn't picture it...but now I can with my U/S pics. What I've read is that they are the size of sweet peas. I just wish that we could have U/S every week or every other week so that I can watch the babies grow. I get another U/S next week...I haven't schedule it yet. Then I will be released to my OB/Gyn. IF everything looks good which my nurse felt it would. My restrictions are still no lifting over 10lbs, no exercising, and to take it easy. I already have my OB/Gyn picked out I've been going to her for several years and can't wait to go see her pregnant. I know she will be just as excited as me...she helped get my treatments started. And helped with the referrals for my new insurance program. My blood work will come back tomorrow but I'm pretty sure my levels are doing fine with these two growing as fast as they are.

My symptoms are pretty mild I must say...sore boobs, upset stomach when I don't eat, and certain things taste better on some days then on others they are completely disgusting. I feel pretty good and am amazed that I'm pregnant and not having more symptoms...but I'm grateful and happy.

I took a picture last Thursday which is my day that changes what week I'm at so this picture is my 6 week pregnancy picture...its a bump but from bloat not babies yet...

Here is my 6w 5d Ultrasound Picture:

Here is the information on the size of the babies from The

Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Updates - Beta Results & 1st Ultrasound

I know I haven't posted anything for awhile but I wanted to wait to make sure my numbers and 1st ultrasound went well before I posted anything. Please remember if you know me IRL please keep this hush, hush. We are waiting to tell Mike's family on Christmas Day and I want to wait till I'm 10-12 weeks to tell work.

Beta No. 1 - November 20 - HCG 325 / Progesterone 31
Beta No. 2 - November 23 - HCG 753 / Progesterone 49.4

As you can see my beta's were nice and strong and tripling. The beta's only needed to double within 48 hours. Then we had the wait for the ultrasound on Monday, November 30th. My one friend told me right away that she thought it was twins...she too had gone through IVF and knew about HCG numbers from her own pregnancies.

Thanksgiving was awesome because I felt I could eat everything and not feel like a cow doing it. I ate one very full plateful of food and then some more mashed potato's w/sweet potato's mixed in. The rest of the green bean casserole and a roll. I think that was it...I just know I was full and was glad I had on elastic pj bottoms...LOL I then proceeded to eat an hour later desserts...yep 2 of them. Then we went home and that night around 11:00 I wanted a salad and a tomato. So I had a salad and 1/2 a tomato. That's how my weekend pretty much went non stop eating. I've gained a few pounds but nothing major to be concerned about I'm pregnant I'm suppose to gain weight.

Then Monday rolled around for the ultrasound. We started out and saw one sac right away. Then the tech asked what type of treatment IUI or IVF. We told her IVF. Then she asked how many did we put back? We told her 2. Then that's when the 2nd sac showed up... Yep we are having twins as of right now. Right now they look like black holes, but they are the size of apple seeds so you can't see much yet. Look below for ultrasound pictures. We are so excited! Everyone that knows at this point asks if we are in shock and I'm not, we're not. Since the ET we've been saying babies till further notice so when there was 2 sacs I was very happy that they both took. My HCG level is now at 14,540 and progesterone at 59.9. So I'm indeed pregnant.

Next Tuesday, December 8th is when we go back for our 2nd ultrasound to see heartbeats. We won't be able to hear them but we should be able to see them on the screen.

Symptoms are pretty mild...sore boobs, nauseous but as soon as I eat I'm fine, and I'm tired. Oh the favorite thing for all pregnancies... I have to pee all the time!!! Other than that, this is all we know for sure for now. More updates to come.